Monday, 11 August 2008

Foods that Bloat Your Stomach

A big thank you to everyone who has been emailing in the foods that make their stomachs bloat.

It would seem that wheat, onions (I told you so!), dried fruit and cabbage are the most popular culprits.

I have loved reading about peoples various food intolerances. Do keep them coming in, no matter how bizzare you may think they are.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Pre-Menstrual Bloating

It has taken me a long time to finally realise and admit, I am normal! Hooray!

Every month I go through terrible feelings of feeling fat, particularly in the abdominal area. I look down at my stomach in the shower and wonder where the protruding belling has come from. Then a few days later my answer has arrived - it is pre-menstrual bloating - as I begin my monthly cycle.

Phew. Once my menstruation has finished, I can go back to feeling only mildly obsessed about feeling fat. Common sense tells me that my feelings are hormonal and even though the bloating is actually real, it isn't as huge as I believe it is. However, common sense goes out of the window during the build up to my period, even though I know to expect this, it doesn't change how I feel.

Still, I am safe in the knowledge I am normal!

Friday, 1 August 2008

Bloated Stomach

Over the last couple of months I have been experimenting with myself!

Like a large percentage of women I suffer with a bloated stomach on a all too frequent basis. I know it is bloating and not fat, because by the next day my stomach is back to normal.

My experiment was with onions. For the last 2 months I have been actively avoiding them and have experienced much less bloating, in the region of 80% less, which, to me, is significant.

Just to be sure that the onion was a major culprit in my bloating, I then had a meal that contained onions. And what happened - bloating.

I would definitely recommend, if stomach bloating is a problem, trying to cut certain food stuffs out of your diet to see if they make a difference.

By the way, I didn't just happen upon onions as being the source of my bloating. I tried other food stuffs without any success. Unfortunately I happen to just love onions, but I love a flatter stomach more!

I'd be interested in any other food items that you've found contribute to your stomach bloating.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

3-Week Lose Weight Challenge

I've had some great emails this week about my 3 week challenge to lose weight.

Since the launch of Core Minutes I now have over 300 people using the FREE service.

Those of you who took the 3 weeks challenge to lose weight have reported to be feeling much better, and, noticing the abdominal area is looking flatter.

I have loved reading your success stories and hope to publish them very soon on my blog.

Any more success stories are always great to read, so please do add them.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Body Dismorphia

I spend a good part of my working day answering questions about diet and weight loss, and, I quite enjoy it.

Recently I have been inundated with questions about how to get the ultimate bikini body before an impending holiday - usually about 2 weeks away.

Some people even post pictures of themselves in their swimsuit, believing that they don't look 'right'.

I truly believe that many people have a distorted body image. Around 90 % of the questions I answer have nothing to worry about, save a little toning. I usually round off my answers with a motivational comment like:

"If you are self-conscious about your tummy, look at your body and decide what you like best, then make the most of your favourite area.

If your tummy is your problem area, don't wear anything that is going to make this look fat. Show off your good bits, that way no one will notice your imperfections and think you look fab!"

I think we should do this!

Friday, 18 July 2008

48% of women would change their abs

I've just read an article that says 48% of UK women would like to change their stomachs. Considering how many other body parts there are to change, this is quite a high statistic.

When I look at people I only see their good points, I never focus on their bad 'bits'. If only we could view ourselves in the positive way that others do.

My general advice would be, if you are self-conscious about your tummy, look at your body and decide what you like best, then make the most of your favourite area.

If your tummy is your problem area, don't wear anything that is going to make this look fat. Show off your good bits, that way no one will notice your imperfections and think you look fab!

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Three Week Challenge

For those of you who want a flatter tummy, how about you set yourself a three week challenge?

For 5 minutes each day do some tummy exercises that are on this website, for FREE

You just need to log in by setting up an account, and then exercises are delivered to you each day - FREE.

After three weeks you should certainly feel a difference and be using a tighter notch on your belt.

I would love to know how you get on so please post any emails to me or add to my blog.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Core Minutes Personal

Today I am pleased to launch my new website.

I am pleased to announce that I can finally make available my desk top personal training service. The exercises are primarily designed to create a flatter looking tummy and lengthen and strengthen the rest of the body.

Have a go, it is FREE after all:

The service delivers seat based exercises in video format, with or without sound, they are professionally put together, and, the unique thing about Core Minutes is that an exercise programme is generated specifically for you based on your needs. The website has over 300 exercises to choose from, all this for FREE.

If you do use it, any feedback would be greatly appreciated, particularly as I have just launched it and would welcome any user comments.

I shall look forward to your comments.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

New FREE website to trim your torso

I realise this blog has been dormant for some months, however, I have been working on making my website available to anyone and everyone for FREE, yes FREE.

The website is your online desk top personal trainer that is designed to help you lose weight and flatten your tummy, you just need to find 5 minutes each day - easy.

I am passionate about the website and am very proud of it. It has been a long task but the end product is worth it.

Please have a go, it won't cost you anything and I don't abuse email addresses by spamming or selling them - ever.

Any comments or success stories I'd love to hear.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

RSI Costing the UK £300 million a Year!

On the BBC News website yesterday health experts said that RSI is costing the UK £300 million a year. The umbrella of RSI covers the upper limb area and includes the upper back.

According to the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, RSI can be often be avoided and encouraging regular breaks and exercise are two ways to reduce the risks.

Daily-Exercise has many exercises that can help reduce the risks of RSI, in particular some good strengthening exercise for the wrists. Anyone who uses a computer should have a go at these exercises

One important point to note, whilst reducing the risks of RSI with these exercises, you are also exercising your tummy muscles and helping to keep them strong, and importantly, flatter!

Friday, 22 February 2008

Crunches Don't Work!

The good old fashioned crunch does not, I repeat, does not give you flat abs. However, if you are looking for a sore neck and a bulky tummy, then keep crunching!

Flatter looking abs will come from within, that is strengthening your internal corset, in other words keep pulling your tummy in and exercise those muscles all day.

For more results from you internal corset, visit this exercise will not only stretch your legs but make you really work your ab muscles as you try to keep perfectly still.

Have a go and let me know how you get on.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Create a Waist

Tight muscles look shorter and more bulky.

To create a long lean waist you need to stretch your muscles.

Click here to get a great waist stretching exercise.


Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Pull Your Tummy In!

The key to this is quite simply to pull your tummy in as you perform the exercises. Try to imagine you are putting on a pair of tight jeans and you need to suck your tummy in to do the button up.

I don't think it could be any easier.

Go to for some desk based exercises

Commit to the exercises each day for 3 weeks, by then you will have noticed a difference and want to continue maintaining your new svelte tummy.

Please let me know how you get on. I can continue to add more exercises as you continue to exercise.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Getting a flatter tummy

I haven't met a single person who doesn't lament they would like a flatter tummy - even those with a flat tummy!