Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Pre-Menstrual Bloating

It has taken me a long time to finally realise and admit, I am normal! Hooray!

Every month I go through terrible feelings of feeling fat, particularly in the abdominal area. I look down at my stomach in the shower and wonder where the protruding belling has come from. Then a few days later my answer has arrived - it is pre-menstrual bloating - as I begin my monthly cycle.

Phew. Once my menstruation has finished, I can go back to feeling only mildly obsessed about feeling fat. Common sense tells me that my feelings are hormonal and even though the bloating is actually real, it isn't as huge as I believe it is. However, common sense goes out of the window during the build up to my period, even though I know to expect this, it doesn't change how I feel.

Still, I am safe in the knowledge I am normal!