Friday, 1 August 2008

Bloated Stomach

Over the last couple of months I have been experimenting with myself!

Like a large percentage of women I suffer with a bloated stomach on a all too frequent basis. I know it is bloating and not fat, because by the next day my stomach is back to normal.

My experiment was with onions. For the last 2 months I have been actively avoiding them and have experienced much less bloating, in the region of 80% less, which, to me, is significant.

Just to be sure that the onion was a major culprit in my bloating, I then had a meal that contained onions. And what happened - bloating.

I would definitely recommend, if stomach bloating is a problem, trying to cut certain food stuffs out of your diet to see if they make a difference.

By the way, I didn't just happen upon onions as being the source of my bloating. I tried other food stuffs without any success. Unfortunately I happen to just love onions, but I love a flatter stomach more!

I'd be interested in any other food items that you've found contribute to your stomach bloating.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

3-Week Lose Weight Challenge

I've had some great emails this week about my 3 week challenge to lose weight.

Since the launch of Core Minutes I now have over 300 people using the FREE service.

Those of you who took the 3 weeks challenge to lose weight have reported to be feeling much better, and, noticing the abdominal area is looking flatter.

I have loved reading your success stories and hope to publish them very soon on my blog.

Any more success stories are always great to read, so please do add them.